Beware of OPUS…
An evolving gonzo theory, OPUS is willful inner generation from the dark side of that unique duality of human nature, goodness and wickedness. OPUS makes up the basic ingredients of human deception and clever ruses, which is for the sake of Obsessive-Compulsive Postulation for Unsubstantiated Subjectivism.
In brief, the suggestion of such echoes the desires, cravings and yearnings to be authenticated regardless of what the facts say. Fiction is often more acceptable than reality. We’ll believe anything if it agrees with the mental rubric we’ve fabricated. Gullibility knows no limits. We even invent extra-dimensional, anthropomorphic or supernatural entities to express our prurient passions for personal and collective scapegoats, sacrificial rites, ceremonies and rituals to ensure others conform to our belief systems. No one dare disagree or else there’s a price for non-conformity. Especially where the pretext of social mores is expected across a broad spectrum.
From the reflection we see in the wishing pond of personal proclivities, mirrored images gaze back in the forms of self-projected desires. From there, good and evil, pleasure and pain, profit and loss, publish or perish, win or lose, in competition with eros versus Thanatos. So potent is the sensuality we see in ourselves we do all kinds of things to deny its primary motivation processes.
Life force, driven by intuitive energies, struggles to defeat the ultimate enemy, death. But, inside we hear the voices that say, you cannot win the end game, eventually you’ll have to give in. This reflects the psycho-sexual dynamics of human intentions which are entirely self-focused as opposed to other focused. In brief, its logistical instigation from the cause-effect continuum of human thinking primary processes is significantly from the core of free-will.
Ah, but, the prime direction of that one voice, libidinous inclinations that stoke prurient intents, is singularly focused on self-gratification. This, at any cost, for the lofty heights of self-promotion. Working with the three stooges of psycho-babble, the paranormal, political and the planetary conspiracies distract and elude the necessity for common sense. There is a duality of choice in this willful self-interest for this level of thinking, either do or do not. As to gonzo theory, that is the strong sense of investigative skepticism, cynical attribution toward fallacies of inference, all animated by a practitioner’s viewpoint from the real-world of experience. And, generously flavored by a healthy dose of satirical humor to poke fun at pious pontification by pseudo-scientists. Especially those from the “hallowed” halls of academia, comfortable in the ivory towers of the so called “social and behavioral sciences”
Naturally, gonzo theory makes fun of foolish notions supported by specious arguments based on hasty generalizations untested against the reality of human malice and terror. Its experiential diversity runs contrary to the orthodox dogma of the alleged “experts” who like short cuts to the validity of evidentiary factors for their assertions.
For instance, many times if you read a so called “expert’s” bone fides on the internet, at their alleged “expert” consulting site, it’ll mostly be extraordinarily lengthy with excessive use of the personal pronoun – “I”. Also, words like “expert”, “nationally recognized”, “expertly trained”, “certified” and so on, may be seen there. Typically, you’ll likewise find a very dramatic photograph, which may project a glamorous image of proclaimed notoriety and special authority.
Self-interest is everywhere. From cognitive bias, subjective validation is part of our daily interpersonal social intercourse. OPUS is very contrived. Here’s what you do to make sure illusions smoke screen the facts. Particularly if you’re running for office and want to fool the public. You can usually bank on the fact that most people won’t do their homework or ask probing questions or do their own investigative research. So, keep the message simplistic, general and trouble-free, as in fortune telling or a cold reading. Throw out enough stuff so something sticks and seems to make sense.
Appeal to emotion at every opportunity. Like in criminal profiling for instance. Ensure immediate gratification so people feel good. Feeling always trumps logical deduction. Reinforce faulty conclusions to safeguard questionable non-factual belief systems. Give people hope that they are always right and that life is filled with ethical absolutes that reinforce “morality and meaning” regardless. Good luck!
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