The Purple staking platform has undergone scrutiny by The PlayzToEarn, and it was confirmed that there are no malicious scripts or backdoors. The platform provides users with a choice among 7 distinct packages, each offering varying durations and daily ROI ranging from 0.7% up to 2.5%. Upon the conclusion of a stake, the protocol is designed to return users’ original capital along with their earned interest. Each new investment initiates a fresh plan.
PLEANE NOTE: When selecting a package, always account for the applicable fees. The daily returns don’t factor these in, making lower-tier packages especially susceptible to their impact.
The platform also has a reinvest option that automatically activates a level 6 package based on the reinvested amount.
It’s vital to recognize that this initiative heavily depends on its community. Should the total locked value plummet to zero, investors will no longer receive payouts.
Contract Details
Chain: BSC
Token: BNB Native
Min investment: 0.1 BNB
Min reinvest amount: 0.25 BNB
3 level Ref: 5% to first line, 2.5% to second, 0.5% to third lines
The ROI varies depending on the package chosen. For instance, Package 1 spans 7 days with a daily ROI of 0.7%, while Package 7 lasts 49 days, offering a 2.5% daily ROI. Learn more about these packages in the whitepaper:
The protocol is designed to ensure that investors receive both their initial stake and the accrued interest over the investment duration. When opting for a package, it’s crucial to factor in the total fees, especially for the lower-tier packages where the daily returns are comparatively lower and therefore highly affected.
Reinvestment System: Opting to reinvest will automatically activate a new Package 7.
Official Links ;
Website | Twitter | Contract | Telegram